BONAFIDE MARITIME TRADERS  is a INDIA’S-leading ship chandler provider of all supplies to vessels with provisions stores, bonded store,  deck stores, engine stores, safety stores,  cabin stores, charts & publication,  life saving appliances & fire fighting appliances and logistics services to ship owners and ship managers worldwide.

We protect your interests across every aspect of the supplies & transportation process and take great pride in providing on-time delivery as cost efficiently as possible.

Our people have many years of experience in the forwarding business and shipping industry. Together with our organisation and advanced technology, we can provide you with a best supplies & logistics system.

We control a global network of dedicated agents, carefully selected based on their know-how and ability to operate in their local environment. Your shipments are arranged and closely monitored until they arrive at their final destination.

  • Our logistics expertise is a core element of our competitive edge.
  • Our people are local – but product quality, price, terms and conditions are uniform across the board.
  • Our branches meet customer demand for proven quality procedures, including the offshore and navy businesses.
  • Our purchasing power enables us to consistently source the best products at the most competitive prices.
  • Our employees work hard every day in going the extra mile of fulfil your supply needs.
  • We provide a 24/7/365 service for every marine, offshore and navy operation.